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Roof Vent Guards

Roof Vent Guards

Protect your roof vents from pesky rodents & harsh weather

While some critters in your yard may look cute, the damage they can cause to your roof’s pipe flashing is not. Damaged vent pipe flashing, allows the passage of water, rodents and insects into your attic and walls of your home, causing expensive repairs. Protect your home with our Roof Vent Boot Guard. Boot Guard’s superior leak protection prevents damage by shielding your vent pipe flashing. This easy to install guard permanently stops squirrel and rodent damage. Its one-piece molded construction with UV protected color throughout, keeps your roof looking good while keeping unwanted debris out of your plumbing system. Patented airflow technology quickly removes plumbing gas. While zinc coated fasteners allow quick removal for plumbing access.

Roof Vent Guards
Guard Before After

Benefits of Our $49/vent Roof Special

Squirrels and other rodents will eat the lead-clad roof jacks, or the covers for roof vent stacks, the pipes that we all have to vent our bathrooms and other plumbing.

The purpose of the lead covering is to prevent rainwater from leaking into the attic and resulting in roof rot.

Squirrels teeth grow continuously, as do those of all rodents and some other groups of animals, and that if they don’t wear them down by gnawing, the teeth will grow in a circular pattern until the tips don’t touch and the animals can no longer gnaw to wear down the teeth. Rodents seem to have a particular taste for lead plumbing stacks.

At first, the gnawing might just be a cosmetic eye sore. However, over time, you will find costly leak damage in the ceiling or down the walls. A leaky roof can even elicit a termite response now that there is a water source within the building materials.

Hiring a licensed roofer to replace this vents can cost hundreds of dollars a vent. That’s not counting actual damage repairs and just replacing the vent won’t stop it from happening again.